How could a day be any more perfect? Not having to work! Still the day before the solstice is as perfect as a day can be. Clear, 80° high absolutely beautiful. I have my first hike since Saturday. No extra weight, not too far. Perhaps I have gained some wisdom. The view over the lake is gorgeous. Visibility more than 40 miles. The mottled light through the trees plays with my eyes as I walk the summit. No people today, a few birds.
Back home I cook and eat on the patio. Watch a family of Nuthatches chase each other from tree to tree. 5 birds all on one trunk. It is so very lovely. The Grosbeak sings, the Chipmunk scurries through the hostas. The shades of green and the sun to the west. As I eat my dinner of grilled fish and vegetables it cools noticeably. I must either build a fire or go inside to stay warm. This writing drives me to the latter.