Downtown Cleveland from the Summit of Gildersleeve Mountain

June 11, 2007. People in Exceptional Numbers

For several weeks I have had much of my daily walks on Gildersleeve Mountain to myself. I might see one or two other people but that would be it. Today was very different. I saw more than a dozen people during my hike. I wonder what changed and got everyone out?

While the sky was blue and the temperature in the 70’s visibility was just 20 miles or so. The birds were quiet even in the back yard.

Walking home through the woods there is a small yellow wildflower in many places along the ground. I decide to put my Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide to the test. A flower with 5 regular parts, basil leaves, divided: Key 524. Leaves more than 3: page 182. There it is! Dwarf Cinquefoil. “A low plant with 5 palmate leaves”. How about that! I would have given up with a guide arranged by color.