Walking though the woods today, another perfect day, I took some time to appreciate the beauty of the green. It is impossible to describe, being enveloped in green, the sun streaming through the leaves. I am tall enough to look over the low trees. The understory is sparse enough so that the canopy is an obvious ceiling 70 feet above.
Visibilty today was hazy out to the horizon. About 25 miles or so. Nothing in the distance was crisply in view. In the ponds below the old quarry Mrs. Mallard quacked loudy. I answered. We went back and fourth a couple of times. Ducks do not stick around in those ponds. Fed by seeps and rain water they do not turn over much. The Wood Thrush, Junco, Pewee, Scalet Tanager and Blue-headed Vireo were all singing. The Hooded Warbler was noteable in its absence. I wonder why some days they are singing everywhere, and other days silent. What changes? I don’t know. There are so many mysteries in the bird world. Particularly when it comes to behavior.