A lovely warm day. 81° and “partly cloudy”. The warm sun feels good. No change in flora since yesterday. Just more green. In the woods both Hermit and Wood Thrush. Above me a Piliated pecks a tree and makes a sound like a hatchet in the wood. They can take huge chunks out of good wood. Splinters 4 inches long. The Pilated looks at me then goes back to work on the tree. I must be just another local from his perspective. Nothing to worry about.
On the summit there are few people. Odd for such a beauty day. Hooded Warblers in 2 places. I had them on Saturday in Stebbin’s. Near the lookout “chureeep!” Great Crested Flycatcher, a bird who’s’ common name spelling, defies the convention. I hear a second from the lookout itself.
A hazy day. Downtown is barely discernable so visibility is just 18 miles. The lake and horizon are lost in the haze.
A Mallard in the pond below, but no geese. I wonder about the Sharpies. I have seen no sign of them for a week. Have they moved north or are they just being less visible because they are on their nest?