Partly cloudy, 53° quiet. As I crossed the creek I startled a Piliated Woodpecker. My walk around the summit was quiet, not many people or anything else. No birds or squirrels. From the lookout the lake was light gray and the horizon distinct. Downtown was silhouetted in the afternoon light. A Red-tailed Hawk soared on the ridge lift created by the light wind out of the north. No new plants poking out, the daffodils are beginning to perk up in the warmth.
Coming home I didn’t notice much activity in the yard. More jetsam in the creek from the one house upstream. I wonder if someone actually tried to use the boogie board in the 3 foot wide creek? I think I should put a wire fence across the stream near the property line just to keep the trash from washing down?
In the back yard I was moving quietly and surprise the birds at the feeders when they see me. They don’t usually scatter like that. I just came up too fast and quiet. Sorry.