Downtown Cleveland from the Summit of Gildersleeve Mountain

April 11, 2007

Rain and temperatures in the 40’s. Patches of grass are starting to show on the lawn. I have not had much time to look outside . The wind is howling high in the trees. I can see it is really blowing hard up high but lower the branches of the spruces are barely moving.

I like to say the trees fight in the cold wind. They compete for light in the canopy and only come together at their crowns. The wind bangs the branches together. A tree with stronger branches may break those of one less strong.

When the wind howls the noise is in great contrast to when It is still. It sounds like the brakes of a train. A constant whoooooooooooooooo. Mid frequency. The wind chimes add an occasional note. When the wind picks up it is like a distant jet engine. White noise over the howl. A strong wind comes whipping through. The birds dive for cover and the smaller branches swirl in an unpredictable path.

Cold gray skies, high wind and rain. Our unofficial slogan here in the Cleveland region: “You have to be tough”